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¹ 4282.

Wet house-tops.   Mikhail Sazhaev.
1997, graphic arts: paper, different materials, 31x38 cm (12 1/4"x14 3/4").



Mikhail  Sazhaev - Wet house-tops; graphic arts: paper, different materials



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PRICE: $4766.

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¹ 4281.

Ouk hill.   Mikhail Sazhaev.
1996, graphic arts: paper, different materials, 19x28 cm (7 1/2"x11 ").



Mikhail  Sazhaev - Ouk hill; graphic arts: paper, different materials



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PRICE: $550.

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¹ 4280.

Light in the window.   Mikhail Sazhaev.
1990, graphic arts: paper, different materials, 50x72 cm (19 3/4"x28 1/4").



Mikhail  Sazhaev - Light in the window; graphic arts: paper, different materials



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¹ 4279.

Mirror. Sketch to the painting.   Mikhail Sazhaev.
1981, graphic arts: paper, different materials, 23x32 cm (9 "x12 1/2").



Mikhail  Sazhaev - Mirror. Sketch to the painting; graphic arts: paper, different materials



 About artist
 How to buy

PRICE: $366.

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